Christine Julia Susic


Portrait Photo

Christine Julia Susic is a writer and illustrator. She first became interested in writing poetry during her senior year of high school, and shortly after, won the Raj Shah Memorial Scholarship for her works of poetry. She graduated from Venture High School in 2015 (Golden State Seal Merit Diploma) and has been writing on and off ever since. She attended college, Arizona State University, and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Graphic Information Technology (Summa Cum Laude).

She is interested in the combination of words and images together, and has written and illustrated her first novel, 8's Market, available for purchase. When she's not writing or drawing, she's probably sleeping, eating, reading, gardening, watching television, or coding for this website.☺ She lives in the Bay Area in California with her family.

You can contact her by email at ✉